Personal Finance

ABC Solutions


How to Check Personal Loan Application Status?

Published On Dec/14/2023

Acquiring a personal loan can be a wise financial decision to fulfil diverse needs, like funding a wedding, renovating a home, or consolidating debts. Yet, after submitting your personal loan application, the waiting period can cause anxiety. Keeping tabs on your personal loan status has never been this convenient.

In this guide, we'll discuss how to check loan status.

How to Track Your Personal Loan Status Online

Tracking your personal loan status online is easy and convenient. Many lenders now have user-friendly online portals that allow you to monitor your loan application's progress right from the comfort of your home.

To start, simply visit the official website of the lending institution from where you applied for the loan. If you already have an account, just log in using your credentials. If you haven't registered yet, you might need to sign up and provide some basic information about your loan application.

Once you're logged in, look for the "Loan" or "Application Status" section. There, you'll find all the relevant details about the progress of your loan application. The best part is that these online portals often provide real-time updates, so you can see any changes in your application status as soon as they occur.

Also Read: Understanding Personal Loan Disbursement Process

With this hassle-free online tracking, making phone calls or visiting the branch in person is unnecessary.

How to Track Your Personal Loan Status Offline

If you prefer more traditional methods or don't have access to the internet, you can still keep track of your personal loan application status offline. Here's how:

Contact the Branch: Reach out to the branch of the lending institution where you submitted your loan application. The bank staff will assist you in providing the necessary information regarding your loan status.

Phone Call: Most lenders have customer service hotlines. You can call their toll-free numbers and inquire about your personal loan application status. Ensure your application reference number and identification details are ready for a quicker response.

Visit in Person: If visiting the branch is viable for you, feel free to drop by and speak with a loan officer. They will be more than happy to offer updates and address any inquiries you might have.

How to Check Personal Loan Status Through Customer Service

The customer service department of a lending institution can be your best ally in tracking your personal loan status. Here are some tips for effective communication:

  • Be Polite and Patient: Remember that customer service representatives deal with numerous queries daily. Being polite and patient will help create a positive interaction and increase the likelihood of getting accurate information.

  • Provide Necessary Details: To ensure swift assistance, have your loan application reference number, full name, and other identification details ready when speaking to a customer service representative.

  • Ask for Regular Updates: If you haven't received any updates for a while, don't hesitate to call back and inquire about the progress of your application. Regularly staying in touch will show your genuine interest in the loan.

Different Methods of Tracking Your Personal Loan Status

Apart from the online and offline methods, here are some additional ways to check your personal loan status:

Mobile Apps: Certain lenders offer mobile apps that enable you to monitor your loan application status. Simply download the app from the store, log in using your credentials, and keep track of your application progress on the move.

Email Updates: Some lenders send regular email updates regarding your loan application status. Keep an eye on your inbox and check the spam folder, just in case.

SMS Alerts: Opt-in for SMS alerts when applying for a loan. This way, you'll receive timely notifications about your application status directly on your phone.

Also read: Applying for a Personal Loan online? Here's a step-by step guide

Social Media: Larger lending institutions may provide support through social media channels. You can contact them via direct messages for updates on your loan status.


Keeping track of your personal loan status is crucial to stay informed and plan your finances accordingly. The methods outlined in this guide, whether through online portals, offline channels, or customer service, should help you easily navigate the process. Remember to provide accurate information when communicating with the lender and stay proactive by following up regularly for updates. Now, you can approach the personal loan process with confidence and peace of mind.