Personal Finance

ABC Solutions


How to Get a Personal Loan against Cash Salary?

Published On Dec/14/2023

A personal loan can be trickier when your salary comes in cash payments instead of regular bank transfers. But rest assured, it's not an impossible challenge. In this article, we'll take you through applying for a personal loan when you're paid in cash.

Submit Bank Statements

Bank statements are crucial for lenders to assess your financial stability and transaction history. They help verify your income and expenses, giving lenders confidence in your repayment capacity.

Here's a breakdown of the documents required to submit bank statements effectively:

Documents Required to Submit Bank Statements:

  • Recent Bank Statements (covering the last 6-12 months’ transactions)

  • PAN Card (for identity verification)

  • Loan Application Form (provided by the lender)

  • Income Tax Returns (ITR) Acknowledgment Receipts (for income verification)

  • Employer's Verification Letter or Salary Certificate (confirms employment and salary)

  • Self-Declaration Letter (detailing income, expenses, and financial obligations)

  • Existing Loan Statements (if applicable)

  • Savings Account Statements (provides a view of financial transactions)

  • Cash Deposit Records (for cash income verification)

  • Digital Copies of Online Bank Statements (in PDF or secure format)

  • Notarized Affidavit (if requested by the lender)

  • Business Financials (for self-employed individuals, including Profit and Loss Statements, Balance Sheets, and Tax Returns)

Please note that specific document requirements may vary by lender, so you should confirm with your chosen financial institution to ensure you provide the necessary documentation for your loan application.

Submit Income Tax Returns

Income tax returns are essential proof of your income, especially when you receive your salary in cash. They offer a formal record of your earnings and tax compliance.

Documents Required to Submit Income Tax Returns

  • Income Tax Returns (ITR) Acknowledgment Receipts: Copies of ITR acknowledgment receipts for the past few years.

  • PAN Card: For identity verification, your Permanent Account Number (PAN) card.

  • Self-Declaration Letter: Sometimes, a self-declaration letter detailing your income, expenses, and financial obligations.

These documents substantiate your income and tax compliance when applying for a personal loan.

3. Submit a Letter from Your Employer

An employment letter serves as an official confirmation of your job, salary, and employment status. It helps lenders assess your stability as a borrower.

Documents Required to Submit a Letter from Your Employer

  • Employer's Verification Letter: A letter from your employer confirming your employment status, monthly salary, and additional benefits or allowances.

  • Offer Letter or Salary Vouchers: Include your offer letter or salary vouchers, if applicable, to further support your employment details.

These documents are essential to verify your employment status and income source when applying for a personal loan.

4. Submit Your Offer Letter or Salary Vouchers

Your offer letter or salary vouchers provide additional evidence of your income and employment terms. These documents complement the employer's letter.

Documents Required for Submitting Your Offer Letter or Salary Vouchers

  • Offer Letter: A copy of your employment offer letter from your employer.

  • Salary Vouchers or Pay Slips: Copies of salary vouchers or pay slips that detail your income, including basic salary, allowances, and deductions.

5. Avail of a Loan Against Investments

If you're facing difficulties obtaining an unsecured personal loan with a cash salary, consider exploring a loan option against investments.

1. Understand the Concept

Collateral-Based Loan: A collateral-based loan against investments, where your investments serve as security for the borrowed amount.

2. Eligible Investments

  • Types of Investments: Various types of investments are eligible for this type of loan, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, fixed deposits, and even life insurance policies with a surrender value.

  • Eligibility Criteria: Check with your chosen lender to understand their specific eligibility criteria regarding the type and value of investments they accept as collateral.

3. Evaluate Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio

  • LTV Ratio: Lenders typically assess the value of your investments and offer a loan amount based on a percentage of that value, known as the Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio.

  • Loan Amount: Understand the LTV ratio the lender offers, as it determines the maximum loan amount you can avail of against your investments.

4. Loan Application Process

  • Documentation: Prepare the necessary documents, including details of your investments, ownership proof, and identity verification.

5. Evaluation and Approval

  • Assessment: The lender evaluates the value and quality of your investments to determine the loan's feasibility.

  • Credit Check: The lender may also assess your creditworthiness and repayment capacity.

  • Loan Approval: If your investments meet the lender's criteria, they approve the loan and specify the terms and conditions.

6. Disbursal of Funds

  • Loan Disbursal: The lender disburses the loan amount directly to your bank account upon approval.

  • Utilization: You can use the funds for the specified purpose, whether covering expenses, investing in another opportunity, or consolidating debt.

7. Repayment Terms

  • Repayment Schedule: The lender provides a repayment schedule specifying the tenure and instalment amounts.

  • Repayment Source: You can repay the loan using your regular income or, if your investments generate income, using the returns from those investments.

8. Risks and Benefits

  • Benefits: Loan against investments provides quick access to funds, potentially lower interest rates than unsecured loans, and allows you to maintain your investments' growth potential.

  • Risks: The primary risk is that if you default on the loan, you may lose your investments, as they are collateral.

9. Monitor and Manage

Investment Performance: Keep an eye on the performance of your investments and ensure they continue to meet the lender's requirements throughout the loan tenure.

Additional Tips for Securing a Personal Loan with a Cash Salary

  • Maintain Good Credit: A strong credit score can offset some of the challenges of a cash salary. Ensure you have a positive credit history by paying bills and existing loans on time.

  • Work with a Co-Applicant: If possible, consider applying for the loan with a co-applicant who receives a regular bank-transferred salary. This can improve your chances of approval.

  • Choose the Right Lender: Some financial institutions and NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Companies) may be more flexible in considering applicants with cash salaries. Research and identify lenders who have a track record of approving such loans.

  • Prepare a Comprehensive Loan Application: Ensure your loan application is complete and well-documented. Include all necessary paperwork and ensure accurate personal and financial details.


While getting a personal loan with a cash salary may pose certain challenges, it's possible with the right documentation, financial discipline, and lender selection. These steps and tips can enhance your eligibility and increase your chances of successfully securing the loan you need.