Personal Finance

ABC Solutions


What are the Consequences of Defaulting on a Personal Loan?

Published On Dec/14/2023

Defaulting on a personal loan can have severe consequences on your financial well-being and creditworthiness. With the increasing availability of personal loans, it is crucial to understand the potential ramifications of defaulting. In this blog, we will explore the various consequences that arise from failing to meet your loan obligations.

Personal Loan Default Consequences in India

Damage to Credit Score

One of the most significant personal loan default consequences is the negative impact on your credit score. When you default, the lender will report the missed payments to credit bureaus, resulting in a lowered credit score. This damage can linger on your credit report for several years, making it challenging to obtain credit in the future.

A lower credit score can affect your ability to secure favourable interest rates on loans, obtain credit cards, rent an apartment, or even find employment, as some employers consider credit history during the hiring process.

Collection Efforts and Legal Action

When you default on a personal loan, the lender will initiate collection efforts to recover the unpaid amount. These efforts may involve phone calls, letters, SMS, or emails from the lender, such as a bank or a collection agency. Persistent contact from collectors can be stressful and disruptive to your daily life.

Furthermore, if the lender deems it necessary, they may pursue legal action against you to recover the outstanding debt. This legal action can result in additional fees like lawyer costs.

Increased Interest and Fees

Defaulting on a personal loan often triggers penalty fees and an increase in interest rates. The lender may impose late payment fees, default fees, or additional charges for collection efforts. Moreover, the interest rate on your loan can escalate significantly, compounding the financial burden. As a result, the total amount owed can rapidly grow, making it even more challenging to repay the loan.

Negative Impact on Personal Relationships

Defaulting on a personal loan can also have an adverse effect on personal relationships. If you have borrowed from family or friends, the strain caused by defaulting on your debt can damage trust and strain the relationship. Money matters can be sensitive, and defaulting may lead to strained interactions, resentment, and potential loss of valuable relationships.

In conclusion, defaulting on a personal loan can have far-reaching consequences that affect your financial stability, creditworthiness, and personal relationships. It is vital to be aware of these potential risks and take proactive steps to avoid defaulting in the first place.

Tips on Maintaining a Good Credit Score

Maintaining a good credit score is crucial for your financial well-being and can help you access better loan terms, lower interest rates, and other financial benefits. Here are some tips to help you maintain a good credit score:

  • Make sure to pay all your bills, including credit card payments, loan instalments, and utility bills, on time. Set up payment reminders or automate your payments to avoid missing due dates.

  • Aim to keep your credit utilization below 30% of your available credit. Pay off your credit card balances in full each month, if possible, to avoid accruing high-interest charges.

  • Avoid opening unnecessary credit accounts and only borrow what you can afford to repay.

  • Co-signing a loan or guaranteeing someone else's debt makes you equally responsible for the repayment. Any negative activity or default on the loan can impact your credit score. Evaluate the risks and responsibilities before agreeing to co-sign or guarantee a loan.

Personal Loan for CIBIL Defaulters

If you’ve defaulted in loan repayments in the past but are now economically stable, you can still get one through the personal loan for CIBIL Defaulters.

This refers to a loan specifically designed for individuals who have a poor credit history as reported by CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau India Limited). CIBIL is one of the leading credit bureaus in India that maintains credit records of individuals and provides scores based on their creditworthiness.

For CIBIL defaulters, obtaining a personal loan can be challenging because traditional lenders typically prefer borrowers with good credit scores. Despite a low CIBIL score, you can still avail a personal loan by exploring options such as:

Secured Personal Loans

If you have valuable assets like property, gold, or a fixed deposit, you can consider applying for a secured personal loan. With collateral backing the loan, lenders may be more inclined to overlook your credit history. However, if you default on the loan, the lender can claim the collateral.

Have a Guarantor

You can improve your chances of getting a personal loan by applying with a co-applicant or having a guarantor. A co-applicant with a good credit score or a guarantor willing to take responsibility for the loan can help offset the risk for the lender.

Get a Loan with High Interest Rates

Borrowers with poor credit or CIBIL defaulters may have to borrow at higher interest rates compared to those with good credit scores. Lenders perceive those with a history of defaults or poor credit as higher-risk borrowers, so they charge higher interest rates to compensate for the increased risk.

Approach Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)

NBFCs often have more relaxed eligibility criteria compared to traditional banks. They may consider lending to individuals with lower credit scores or CIBIL defaults. However, keep in mind that the interest rates may be higher.

Remember, while these options may provide opportunities for personal loans, it's important to assess the terms and conditions, including interest rates, fees, and repayment plans. It's also crucial to work on improving your credit score over time to enhance your borrowing options in the future.

Also Read: How to Improve CIBIL Score - Smart Tips