Personal Finance

Aditya Birla Finance Limited


Personal Loan Pre-closure: Benefits, Disadvantages & Charges

Published On May/14/2024

Managing a personal loan effectively can significantly impact your financial health. One key strategy borrowers consider is pre-closure, or prepayment, of their loan. Pre-closure involves paying off your personal loan before the scheduled end of its tenure. While this can offer numerous benefits, such as saving on interest payments and reducing overall debt, it also has potential drawbacks, including pre-closure charges imposed by lenders. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits, disadvantages, and associated charges of personal loan pre-closure, helping you make an informed decision about your financial strategy.

Understanding Personal Loan Pre-closure

Personal loan pre-closure, also known as prepayment, refers to the process of repaying a personal loan in full before the end of its scheduled tenure. Borrowers often opt for pre-closure to reduce their debt burden and save on interest payments. However, this financial decision can have both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the terms and conditions set by the RBI.

Benefits of Personal Loan Pre-closure

Interest Savings: The primary benefit of pre-closure is the substantial savings on interest payments. By repaying the loan early, you reduce the total interest that would have accrued over the remaining tenure.

Also Read: Interest Rate on a Personal Loan in India

Reduced Debt Burden: Pre-closing a loan helps in reducing the overall debt burden, freeing up your finances for other uses and providing greater financial flexibility.

Improved Credit Score: Successfully pre-closing a loan can positively impact your credit score, demonstrating your ability to manage and repay debts responsibly.

Mental Peace: Being debt-free brings a sense of relief and mental peace, allowing you to focus on other financial goals and investments.

Disadvantages of Personal Loan Pre-closure

Pre-closure Charges: Many banks and financial institutions levy pre-closure charges, which can sometimes be significant. These charges may reduce the overall benefit of prepayment.

Opportunity Cost: Using a large sum of money to pre-close a loan might lead to a missed opportunity to invest that amount elsewhere, potentially yielding higher returns.

Liquidity Crunch: Allocating a lump sum towards pre-closure might strain your liquidity, leaving you with less cash for emergencies or other immediate needs.

Opting to Make Prepayments on a Personal Loan

Making prepayments on a personal loan involves partial payments towards the principal amount, in addition to the regular EMIs. This reduces the principal balance and, consequently, the interest burden over the loan tenure. When considering prepayments:

1. Check Loan Terms: Understand the terms related to prepayments in your loan agreement. Some lenders may restrict the number of prepayments or impose a minimum amount.

2. Plan Financially: Ensure that prepayments do not compromise your financial stability. Maintain a balance between reducing debt and retaining sufficient funds for other obligations.

3. Pre-closure Charges:Pre-closure charges are fees levied by lenders when you repay your personal loan before the end of its tenure. These charges can vary based on several factors:

4. Loan Tenure Completed: The charges might differ depending on how much of the loan tenure has been completed. Some lenders have a tiered structure where charges are reduced over time.

5. Loan Amount: The pre-closure fee is often a percentage of the outstanding loan amount. Typically, it ranges from 2% to 5% of the outstanding principal.

6. Lender Policies: Different banks or financial institutions have varying policies regarding pre-closure. It's essential to review your loan agreement or consult with your lender to understand the specific charges applicable.

Also read: Top 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid While Applying for a Personal Loan

Dealing with Prepayment Charges on Personal Loans

To effectively manage prepayment charges, consider the following steps:

1. Evaluate Savings vs. Charges: Calculate the interest savings from pre-closure and compare it with the pre-closure charges. If the savings outweigh the charges, pre-closure might be beneficial.

2. Negotiate with Lender: Some lenders may be open to negotiation on pre-closure charges, especially if you have a good repayment history. It’s worth discussing with your bank to potentially reduce these fees.

3. Consider Partial Prepayments: If the pre-closure charges are high, consider making partial prepayments instead. This reduces the principal and interest burden without incurring significant fees.

4. Plan Pre-closure Timing: Timing your pre-closure strategically can also help. For example, some lenders have lower charges after a certain period, such as after completing one year of the loan tenure.

While pre-closing a personal loan offers several benefits like interest savings and reduced debt burden, it also comes with potential drawbacks such as pre-closure charges and liquidity issues. Carefully evaluating the financial impact and understanding the terms of your loan agreement are crucial steps before deciding to pre-close a personal loan.