SME Finance

ABC Solutions


Working Capital Formula & Ratio: How to Calculate Working Capital

Published On May/18/2024

Understanding and managing working capital is crucial for the smooth operation and financial health of any business. Working capital is the difference between a company's current assets and current liabilities. It's a key indicator of the company's short-term financial health and its ability to cover short-term obligations. Here’s a guide on how to calculate the working capital requirements for your business.

The Working Capital Calculation Formula

Working Capital=Current Assets−Current Liabilities

Current assets typically include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and other assets that are expected to be converted to cash within a year. Current liabilities include accounts payable, short-term debt, and other obligations that must be settled within a year.

Working Capital Calculation: An Illustration

Let's illustrate the working capital calculation with a simple example:

Current Assets:

  • Cash: ₹50,000
  • Accounts Receivable: ₹30,000
  • Inventory: ₹20,000
  • Other Current Assets: ₹10,000
  • Total Current Assets: ₹110,000

Current Liabilities:

  • Accounts Payable: ₹40,000
  • Short-Term Debt: ₹30,000
  • Other Current Liabilities: ₹10,000
  • Total Current Liabilities: ₹80,000

Using the formula:

Working Capital=₹110,000−₹80,000=₹30,000

In this example, the business has a positive working capital of ₹30,000, indicating that it can cover its short-term obligations and has extra funds for operations.

Working Capital Indications

A positive working capital indicates that a company has enough short-term assets to cover its short-term liabilities. This is a good sign of liquidity and financial health. Conversely, a negative working capital means the company may struggle to meet its short-term obligations, potentially leading to financial difficulties.

Several key indicators can help you understand your working capital needs:

  • Operating Cycle: The time it takes to convert inventory into cash. A longer cycle means higher working capital needs.
  • Sales Growth: Rapid growth can increase working capital requirements, as more inventory and receivables need funding.
  • Credit Terms: The terms you extend to customers and receive from suppliers affect working capital. Generous credit terms to customers increase working capital needs.
  • Inventory Management: Efficient inventory management can reduce working capital needs by minimising stock levels.

Next Steps

After calculating your working capital and understanding its indications, the next steps involve actively managing and optimising it. Here are some strategies:

  • Negotiate Better Credit Terms with Suppliers: Extending the payment period can help manage cash outflows.
  • Optimise Inventory Levels: Reduce excess inventory without impacting sales to free up cash.
  • Manage Payables Efficiently: Ensure timely payments to avoid penalties, but use the full credit period allowed.

Revise Working Capital Policy

Regularly revising your working capital policy ensures that it aligns with your business operations and market conditions. Consider the following:

  • Cash Flow Forecasting: Regularly forecast cash flows to anticipate periods of surplus or deficit.
  • Working Capital Ratio: Maintain an optimal ratio of current assets to current liabilities to ensure liquidity without tying up too much capital.
  • Cost Control: Regularly review expenses to identify and eliminate unnecessary costs.

Fund the Deficit with a Working Capital Loan

If your business faces a working capital deficit, consider financing options to cover the shortfall. A working capital loan can provide the necessary funds to manage short-term obligations and support business operations.

When opting for a working capital loan, keep the following in mind:

  • Loan Terms: Understand the interest rate, repayment schedule, and any associated fees.
  • Lender Reputation: Choose a reputable lender with flexible terms that suit your business needs.
  • Usage: Use the loan specifically for working capital needs to avoid financial mismanagement.

By carefully managing your working capital, you can ensure that your business remains financially healthy and capable of meeting its short-term obligations. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your working capital strategy is essential for sustaining growth and operational efficiency.